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Mini Darin Shuler interview. He's our Special Guest at Gamjam!!

bwana spoons

Darin Shuler’s art is such a treat for my eyeballs and brain. I wanted to get to know him a little better, so I asked him a few questions here. Enjoy, and feel free to comment below.

Bwana- Tell me a childhood story. This can be a snippet, something embarrassing, a challenge you overcame, or something cool you accomplished.

Darin- When I was little I was told that TV commercials came on so they could figure out what would happen next, that bad guys used fake weapons and good guys had real weapons and that’s why good guys always win, and that when TV is boring it’s because the TV batteries are dying. TV was magic and I wanted to make cartoons, but I didn’t know how, so I drew cartoons on paper. It took me a while to realize I was making comics. 

B- Do you have any critters in your life?

D- I have a huge 14 year old grey cat named Castle Greyskull, and a tiny 1 year old black cat named Eddie. 

B- Tell me how Dog & Hat came to be. Did you already have these characters? Did the story come to you in a fever dream?

D- Dog and Hat was going to be a picture book style zine for kids, it was modeled after the Frog & Toad books. I have always made comics about two inseparable friends (Castle & Wood, and Frog Fly, etc.) I got a chance to get the book published by Chronicle books and it kinda changed the whole project. 

B- What is your favorite not drawing related thing to do?

D- Hanging out with the fam, listening to music, watching movies, reading, riding bikes. 

B- What’s your favorite snack?

D- Chips

B- Are you an overachiever or a deadly procrastinator?

D- I used to attach a lot of meaning to being prolific but then I had kids and I was forced to sloooow down-like a lot, nowadays I make stuff when I can and I try not to sweat it. 

B- Thanks so much Darin. Can’t wait to see more of your awesome arts. See you at Gamjam!