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Portland, OR

Gravy Logs

Oh FAQ!! Grass Hut Art Market FAQ

bwana spoons

Here’s everything you need to know that I know about Grass Hut Art Market. Please feel free to ask questions and comment below. I’ll add any updates here as well.

Name- Grass Hut Art Market. It’s based off of our old and still existing shop Grass Hut. Justin Scrappers Morrison actually added Art Market several years ago when we were partners here to Grass Hut for some of our projects. I’ve reignited it for this one. We also call it Gamjam!! for short. The two !! being this is year 2.

What is Grass Hut Art market? As of now it’s a yearly festival of character based arts here in Portland Oregon. Vinyl and resin toys, glass, flat art like paintings or weavings, prints, zines, comics, ceramics… pretty much anything that can be a tangible character based creation are things you would find here.

What is it part two- Gamjam!! is a one day festival made up of a 2 toed dinosaur claw (don’t forget the third dewclaw in the back). First is a fantastic pile up of vendors that can be here in person to hawk their wares. Roughly 40ish artists, shops, creators. The second is the “Outta Town Crew”. This is a very special group of artists /sofubi makers that we really wanted to be a part of Gamjam!! … but, can’t be here in person. A curated collection of toys and art for sale made just for this little festival that could. The third toe is a little something special we do outside of the one day festival. This year it’s an amazaballs artshow at Grass Hut the night before. Sorta a pre festy mixer.

When and where- This year Grass Hut Art Market takes place on Saturday October 7th from 11am - 6pm inside Lloyd center (The mall!) on the second floor. If you enter from the backside ground level parking lot on the NE side at the Marshall’s entrance then you are already on the second floor, and Gamjam! is right there when you enter the building. The artshow will take place Friday from 4-7pm at Grass hut inside Floating World comics. also on the second floor but a little closer to the middle. Best entrance will still be the one above:)

More where- Beware. You are entering a nearly abandoned mall. That Marshalls, it ain’t there, neither is Sears, Nordstrom ,Target, The old Movie Theater, or 90% of anything else. You will find an ice skating rink, a gaming shop, some weird shit left over from the heyday of LLoyd Mall, a rad tattoo shop, a Lego store, Bubble tea, pretzels, and us.

Why? We stare at our phones all day, sometimes at lenth of artists feeds with toys and goodies we like. Come see these gems in person with your own eyeballs. Meet some of the artists you dig. Build this community, and get new eyeballs on some of this magic. Nothing beats actual real human contact. Make a new friend.

RSVP and Outta town crew- RSVP’s will get first crack at outta town crew goods on Saturday. RSVP’s come pick up your tote and goods the evening before at the artshow… which coincidentally has some of the outta town crew in it. Art show sales will be first come first serve for everyone at the opening 4-7pm. Friday October 6th. There will be some very simple buying rules on Saturday for RSVP’s. They will be very simple and easy to navigate. The only way that it would NOT be easy and simple to navigate is if you are being greedy :) We are still working out the finer details of said rules :)

Vendors and vending- We have so many awesome vendors that will be present here. Come see the wonders. We do have a bit more space if you want to vend. But this is a curated event, so your work needs to be a good fit for this beautiful and dorky thing we are doing.

Volunteers- Yes we need them. People at the door, to direct and help vendors, and help with set up and break down. We need humans to flyer. We need people persons. just holler.

Admission- All are welcome. The cost to get in is $2. And if you like, a donation to Rehab’s Sisters. Kids under 12 are free. Bring cash for the door. We won’t have a card reader at the door. Vendors will all have different forms of accepted payments. So just be prepared for any and all types of fun, and always. Bring some cash. if networks go down, then you will be covered. Rehab’s Sisters is a non profit that works with the houseless community providing meals, hygiene supplies, and other forms of need.

Masks- Masks are encouraged but not mantidory at this time. Just please be respectful to your neighbors and give everyone the space they need to move around.

Tattoos- We are working with Mortal Emblem on a special sheet of flash for the event. They are right across from us. give them a holler and book your appointment for the same weekend for some mega inky funs.

Ok… that’s it for now. Let me know if you have more questions. Maybe I can do a separate post for lodging, eats, transpo/map, and other Portlandy things.