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Portland, OR

Gravy Logs

We are just 6 weeks away from Grass Hut Art Market.

bwana spoons

Holy Smokes this is creeping right up on us. I’m going to release the tentative artist and vendor list any day now. Really forking jazzed about everyone that will play this year.

The venue is bigger, just a few more doors down from last year’s.

My current plan is to have a bitchin’ artshow at the actual Grass Hut early evening on Friday October 6th,.

Then a one day festival of toys comics art fun in the bigger space. We will have some sound and visual fun by ZORP, a really nice clump of radical vendors in person, and then a beyond magic assortment of toys and arts from “the outta town crew” comprised of mostly makers from Japan, but some from the states and other international type regions as well.

If you want to be a vendor. I should have the vendor app up in a few days. If you want to volunteer I will also have a sign up for that soon too. If you want an RSVP package… those are coming soon too.

Sammy and Shanna at the Permanent Damage event yesterday in the same space.